Terminology can be very confusing whenever
one tries to understand a new discipline. In holistic
health and healing, words like detoxification, tonification,
regeneration, and rejuvenation have very specific meanings.
Detoxification basically
refers to a "removal process" in which the burden
of what is unwanted is reduced. One can detoxify the
body of chemicals that have been inhaled or ingested, such
as air pollutants or food preservatives. One can also
try to remove the residuals of substance abuse or legally administered
pharmaceutical medicines, everything from artificial hormones
to highly toxic fungi and metals used as antibacterial additives
in vaccines and many medications. In addition, there are toxins
from "sick building syndrome" that include formaldehyde
in carpets and upholstery and mold from water damage. Some
people are also suffering from contaminants in vaccines, chemtrails,
and exposure to radiation and other hazards in our world.
This subject is covered in more depth in the
section called "Purification"
but the matter to focus here is that detoxification is essentially
a catabolic process that relies on the ability of the eliminatory
organs to rid the body of both excess, such as stores of fat,
sugar, and even hormones, as well as parasites, chemicals, toxic
metals, and radiation.
The organs that are most affected by detoxification are the
liver, kidneys, and lungs, but the intestines and even brain
can also be detoxified. Usually, it is helpful if detoxification
can occur prior to regeneration; but there are circumstances
where the individual is too weak to detoxify and renewal of
tissue and restoration of function have to be attempted before
any serious detoxifying regime can be implemented.
Tonification is
an anabolic process that relies on the ability to assimilate
nutrients and utilize them where needed. One can easily
appreciate that regeneration of the blood takes much less time
than regeneration of the brain or bones. Think about
it a moment. If you have a few drinks, you feel the effect
almost immediately. Blood chemistry can change in minutes but
if you exercise vigorously, you do not necessarily see important
results in the first day. In fact, you may have muscle
soreness for days before you notice any improvement in muscle
tone and strength. Likewise, there are not too many short
cuts for healing a broken bone or restoring memory loss, but
there are, in fact, deeply regenerating therapies that can
make a significant difference.
and Plasma
Blood is discussed in quite some
depth on other pages on this site, but what I want to say here
is that red blood cells assimilate the essence of what you
eat and deliver both nutrients and oxygen to tissues of the
body. Therefore, all regenerative regimes rely on efficient
transport of the raw materials necessary for repair, renewal,
and revitalization of tissue. While I might concede that
some inorganic substances may have a catalytic effect on the
functioning of various parts of the body, I would argue vociferously
that regeneration requires organic substances and that no tissue
repair occurs without an adequate supply of organic nutrients. This
is the simplest and strongest reason for eating organically
as well as for reducing the pressure of toxins on our bodies.
Blood, as we all know, circulates,
but we need to take a moment to appreciate how brilliantly
this constant motion of bright red cells performs. Each
cell is a little courier. The cells are discoids that
are slightly permeable. They absorb nutrients, lots of
trace minerals, and oxygen, deliver them where needed and collect
carbon dioxide and waste materials that they dispose of in
the lungs. It's no wonder so many people have breathing
issues. The lungs take a real beating because very few
people inhale fresh air and even fewer take the time to cleanse
the lungs. Have you thought of what it means when you
detect a chemical odor or putrid smell emitting from the lungs?
Not only is the person suffering from a toxic surfeit, but
the lungs are stressed by the burden of the toxicity.
Consequently, I believe that
all rejuvenative protocols should include not only the nutrients
needed by the blood but support for the lungs!
Pace of Regeneration
When provided with proper
nutrition, red blood cells improve practically instantly provided they
are not infected or compromised by electromagnetic interferences. Those
are big provisos so a word to the wise . . .
I know it is difficult
for people who have not had the benefits of hours of gazing
through a microscope to appreciate some of what I understand. We
have gazillions (2-3 x 10 to the 13th power) of red blood
cells and in an emergency, such as venomous bite or hemorrhage,
the body manages to mobilize replacements very quickly. However,
each cell is very tiny so the payload delivered is also tiny,
meaning lots of cells have to work together in an efficient
manner. If only a small percentage of cells are happy
campers, progress is going to be slow.
So, the reason one should
neither smoke nor expose oneself to second-hand smoke is
that smoking causes blood sludge. The red blood cells
look dark and muddy and they cannot do any meaningful work
when they look this bad. Frankly, I do not know any
exceptions to this so natural tobaccos and substitutes are
not necessarily safe. You can be sure I would never
smoke anything, not with what I know about the fragility
of erythrocytes.
So, what does blood want? It
wants a nice nutrient soup consisting of pure water, minerals,
and good quality oils. The oils enhance the membrane
integrity which in turn helps the red blood cells to maintain
their shape and resist infection. My experience is that ghee
is the best oil. I have compared it to other cooking
oils, including the best quality Greek and Italian olive oils,
and it is superior. Sunflower oil and sesame oil are
also superior to olive oil.
blood cells love minerals, not just iron but all minerals. The quality of these
micronutrients is extremely important. If you are not
sure about whether or not your diet and assimilation is good,
look at your fingernails. If they have ridges and look corrugated,
your nails are not getting what they need and if this is the
case, imagine what state your bones are in? Then, is
it any wonder your hair and skin are not lustrous? You
cannot get good quality minerals from food grown with fertilizers
and pesticides because the alkalizing minerals were used to
neutralize the acids used in cultivation of the crops. The
soils are therefore depleted and so is the food grown in the
Now it's easier to see why so
many authorities on nutrition have advocated organic juices
during recovery from illness. Juices provide a rich source
of perfectly balanced fluids along with many nutrients, both
vitamins and minerals.
Fluids are important. They
affect the red blood cells and the plasma. Everyone should
study the work of Dr. Emoto to see how important our thoughts
are so we need not only the nutrients but the right attitude
towards what we are doing.
The body needs many minerals,
not just iron, calcium, and magnesium but countless others
like selenium and germanium. In my opinion, the reason
we get better results from volcanic ash, water from the deep
ocean, or shilajit from the Himalayas is that manysources
are either depleted or not balanced. The body has the
same ratio of minerals one to another that ocean water has
so even if no one has established a minimum daily requirement
for a specific mineral, odds are that we need that mineral
and in exactly the same proportion to other minerals as we
find in the most pristine areas of the ocean.
So, we can get these minerals
from sea weed, if the sea weed is sourced from clean water,
or from fossilized sea vegetables such as are found in salt
lakes, or from sources in the ocean such as coral and pearls. We
can also, as I suggested, get the minerals from other pristine
or ancient sources such as high mountains but most of these
minerals will tend not to be quite a balanced though they are
often remarkably free of contaminants.
In an ideal situation, the body
would recycle minerals, meaning that when fluid is sent to
the kidneys, the kidneys would reabsorb minerals before the
rest of the fluid is released as urine. What happens
when the adrenals are overactive due to stress is that the
kidneys quiver more because of adrenal hyperactivity and this
causes more frequent loss of minerals so the body becomes deficient. It
can then leech minerals from the bones or find them in the
food sources. It would not surprise me if one day a scientist
got a Nobel prize for proving that metastasis to the bones
is somehow related to adrenal hyperactivity and mineral loss. For
me, this is obvious, but then I try to look at the whole rather
than parts — at least when I see parts, I try to put
them together in such a way as to see the interrelationships
and the whole.
There is another potential problem
related to the adrenals and that is to the extent that people
are anxious and the adrenals are fluttering, other secretions
might be reduced, including both hormones and gastric secretions. In
a way, all the resources of the body have been commandeered
to deal with the emergency and everything else is understaffed,
sort of like our borders!
There are basically two workarounds
for this situation. The first is to consume only or mainly
foods that are easy to assimilate. The reason is obvious: more
results for less effort on the part of the body. Yes,
washing vegetables and juicing them is tedious for people who
have low energy or an attitude suggesting that this is somehow
hard labor that is unjustified, but to them, I might suggest
that as humans in an affluent world, we are quite spoiled by
how easily we get food from the farm to the mouth. Most
species work harder to eat, but we work at jobs that allow
us to buy food and we might be paying a price for this.
I feel sometimes that I rant
and rave a bit too much, but two tall glasses of fresh juice
per day can make an enormous difference in many lives. By
"tall" I mean eight ounces or roughly 250 milliliters. The
juice must be consumed within minutes of juicing, not allowed
to oxidize.
The second workaround for poor
assimilation is to take something to stimulate the flow of
gastric juices. Depending on how debilitated the individual
is, this may or may not be successful. For instance,
with juice, one can add about one to two inches (3-5 centimeters)
of fresh ginger root to juice or a handful of parsley, basil,
peppermint, or fennel root. A few drops of cayenne tincture
could also make a good chaser.
Going up the scale a bit, Chyawanprash can
be taken before food consumption. In many cases, this
is effective enough to prevent hair loss and improve outcome
of conventional treatments. When there is cachexia, our Phytolacca
Syrup aids both digestion and circulation, especially when
lymphatic congestion is affecting vitality.
A digestive bitter can also be
helpful, keep taking a few drops until there is no more feeling
of heaviness in the stomach. For some people, one dose
is enough. Others will need to take half an eye dropper
(about 15-30 drops) every 20-30 minutes for several hours. What
these tonics do is relieve some of the pressure on the gastrointestinal
system by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and bile. They
also promote better peristalsis.
In general, I do not believe
that people need a lot of minerals. What I do believe
is that because of acidity, minerals may be used to correct
serious pH imbalances instead
of nutritional deficiencies. Learning which foods aggravate
pH imbalance as well as how to reduce parasitic and fungal
infections will take some of the pressure off the bones
and other tissues that require occasional remineralization. Keep
in mind that the wastes of most metabolic processes, including viral
and bacterial infections, are acidic.
End Notes
It is not really possible to
do justice to an enormous subject like this in one page on
the web, but this is a checklist, not a medical library. Any
topic that sparks your interest can always be further researched. What
I would like to say is that while regeneration of the blood
is basically quick, it is not possible to correct all blood
conditions without addressing parasitic, fungal, and microbial
infections. The blood is not sterile but it may be up
to you to figure out what to do about this because your oncologist
may have studied some myths and never stepped out of the box
far enough to see that this is the case. Improvements
are always possible, but sometimes, even after addressing the
multitude of infections, there are chemical and metal toxins
playing havoc in the blood. The more you find out about
what is really going on, the better chance you have of selecting
the strategies most likely to help you.
Improvement tends to be dramatic
in some areas and slow in others. For instance, stamina
may increase faster than bone weaknesses but stamina can backslide
when there is a crisis, emotional or physical. As a general
rule, regeneration of the bones and nails does not become evident
for two to three months following implementation of the right
healing regime. This is not to say that the strategy
was not working in the earlier phases but rather that subtle
imbalances are usually corrected before the obvious ones. For
instance, even before you see improvements in your hair and
nails, you may have an improvement in libido. This is a sign
that regeneration is occurring and that the processes of regeneration
are defeating the processes of degeneration; in short, the
reversal favors healing so there is reason for optimism.
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman