Ichiness is caused by toxicity. My
observations are that itchiness becomes worse at the full moon
and subsides as the moon wanes. This suggests to me that
there are causative organisms that are more active at the full
moon so that part of what is required to resolve this problem
involves immune enhancement, not just detoxification . . . though
many of the herbs used for detoxification also have immune enhancing
Itchiness is one of the more vexing symptoms of
toxicity. According to my observations, it is usually worst at
the time of the full moon (for several days either side of the
exact full moon.) During such lunar cycles, internal products
can be used in conjunction with topical applications of herbal
fomentations such as pipsissewa or coptis. The method here is
to make a concentrated herbal brew like a strong tea. Then saturate
a clean cloth or gauze with the fomentation and apply the cloth
to the skin. Covering the cloth with something air- and water-tight
will prevent loss of moisture and prolong the effectiveness of
the application.
I know many breast cancer patients for whom such
simple measures have meant the difference between intolerable
itching and discomfort and peace. It is not possible for me to
know whether any of the underlying causes of the itching are
affected by these preparations, but the itching certainly does
Kitchen Doctor is my best selling album. It is available as
a set of four 90-minute audio cassettes. It was recorded
at a seminar in which I covered the six tastes in relationship
to the effect food pharmacology has on physiological functioning.
The six tastes are: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter,
and astringent.