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Commentary on Parasites

This page will be a little informal, but it has been many years since I saw the first blood parasite in a live blood sample so I would have had time to reflect on the importance of this observation . . . and more opportunities to explore and investigate have also come my way.

One of the first realizations I had about parasite infections is that when people chelate toxic metals from the body, both the parasite and mold infestations increase dramatically.  Eventually, I had the opportunity to move from the theoretical to empirical and observe with my own eyes how this happens.

First of all, let me say that the pharmaceutical drugs used against parasites often contain toxic metals such as arsenic.  It stands to reason that dangerous as these are to parasites, they are not much fun for the host either.  What became evident is that when people are burdened by toxic metals, the metals act as inhibitors of other organisms so when the metals are chelated, the organisms that were held in check find their opportunities to explode.

This was my theory and when I went to Germany, I saw first-hand that all, yes 100% of the cancer patients in the place I was consulting, had parasite infections. The only two who did not have parasites were patients with extreme neurological problems:  Lou Gehrig's disease and Parkinson's disease.  Moreover, one of the patients was not German.  The reason for mentioning this is that danger of toxic metals was recognized in Germany, and most patients had had their amalgams removed.

After a while, I realized that parasites are often very distinct.  You might say, they come in as many designs as snakes.  They come in many colors: almost transparent, white, pale yellow, quite deep yellow, red, pale blue, cobalt blue, and navy blue, maybe more, but these are the ones I have seen in the blood.  Some have methods of propulsion, like extensions on their sides.  They have every which hunting behavior.  Some encircle their prey, some seem capable of emitting some kind of toxin, some squash red blood cells and send the hemoglobin spattering out into the plasma, some eat the red blood cells one at a time and some gulp them dozens at a go.  The blood cells seem totally acquainted with the parasites and have many behaviors suggesting they know which are dangerous and which are more or less harmless.  I learned so much watching this in live blood cell microscopy that I gained a totally new appreciation for the marvelous way the body functions.  I also developed a serious apprehension of any approaches to healing that do not respect the normal behavior of the blood.

Whenever I found a parasite, I began asking patients where they had traveled, whether or not they had been ill while traveling or soon after returning home, whether they had animals, whether they ate organic food, whether they had been bitten by ticks or mosquitoes.  To give you an idea of how this seemed from my end, there was an Italian man who had worked in Kenya for twelve years.  He had a brain tumor that he attributed to his relief efforts in Chernobyl.  He was the last surviving member of a PanAm team that delivered emergency supplies to Chernobyl.  He said all the rest of his team had died of brain tumors.  His tumor was bulging from the skull and throbbing.  He had a very long parasite with a distinct pattern that matched pictures of filaria in textbooks.  His wife had a similar parasite in her blood, but she was more or less asymptomatic.  Weeks later, another patient came with a matching parasite.  She had lived in Mombasa for 12 years.  Then, there was a Swiss patient who had another match.  He had visited Kenya more than 30 years earlier.  I am not saying the parasites killed these people, but I believe they were contributing to the problem.  In the case of the Italian patient, the tumor continued throbbing for 20 minutes after he was pronounced dead.  So far as I know, his wife is still alive, but the other two patients also died, one in agonizing lymphatic pain.

In Austria, I saw many patients who had lived in South Africa and had recurrent bouts of malaria; but the most interesting experience was probably in Switzerland where I saw far fewer parasites than in Germany or Austria.  I was speculating on what the explanation might be.  It did not seem possible to me that colder climate meant less wintering over of tropical animals because if this were the explanation, the Austrians would not have had as many parasites.  Little by little, I noticed that the patients who had fewer parasites had more clusters of white blood cells, often 12 or more in one place.  I decided to observe these until I understood what was happening.  The white blood cells were becoming fuzzy after only 20 minutes outside the body and they usually died within 45 minutes. My conclusion was that the patients with these clusters had metal toxicity and this did, in fact, correlate with amalgams.  Unlike the Germans, most Swiss have not had their amalgams removed.

There was a particularly interesting case of a husband and wife.  They had both traveled extensively, including to India.  The wife had her amalgams removed and she developed breast cancer.  The husband still had amalgams in his mouth and though his blood was anything but perfect, there were no parasites.

I am not saying that amalgams will protect from the development of cancer.  This would be a ludicrous interpretation of information I have just shared.  In fact, there was a colon cancer patient with a mouth full of very bad dental work, including many amalgams.  There were also patients with breast cancer and every other kind of cancer who had amalgams.  All I am saying is that the amalgams seem to inhibit proliferation of parasites so once they are removed, parasite protocols become even more important.

Ingrid Naiman
2 April 2006

Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2006






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