site is hosted by Ingrid Naiman, author
of Cancer
Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment. Ingrid is a minister,
herbalist, and metaphysician. She has studied Ayurveda since her
days in the State Department in India (1968-70) as well as Tibetan
medicine and traditional Hawaiian healing.
The purpose of this site is to examine potentially
unrecognized factors that may contribute to the development of
cancer or interfere with the outcome of treatment. By drawing attention
to these aggravating issues, it is assumed that patients will feel
more empowered and confident about overcoming illness. No effort
has been made to be scientific; the hostess is a philosopher, not
scientist . . . and the writing is user-friendly not cumbersome.
The information on the site is not intended to
replace the services of doctors and other health care practitioners.
The aim is to look where others might not look and in so doing
to discover something that might be important to the healing process.
This said, it is recognized that almost no one
will feel comfortable exploring psychosomatic factors in illness
if the physical symptoms of the disease are not addressed. Because
of this, there is a section of
this site devoted to optimization of physical health. This addresses
the condition of the blood, effectiveness of the immune
system, the possibilities of parasitic compromises to health, mold
infection, heavy
metal toxicity, as well as a host of strategies for maintaining
constitutional balance: pH,
metabolism, detoxification and
tonification, and regeneration.
The section on emotional factors that are recognized
as part of the "cancer personality" addresses such
subtle issues as the obstacles to cure based on the Hawaiian
concept of ho'oponopono or
problem solving, the tendency of patients to put perceived responsibilities
ahead of personal needs and fulfillment, and the very tricky
notion of karma, not as a punitive law but rather as a
law of the psychological realm.
Finally, the section on spirituality and cancer
looks at the issues of spiritual inspiration,
bliss, and enthusiasm as aspects of the divine force acting through
everyone but sometimes deflected by priorities that obscure the
fact that there is nothing more important than finding one's
purpose in life and expressing it to the fullest.
The site was first launched in 2001 with about
40 pages, all quite long. It was redesigned and expanded in the
spring of 2006.
God bless!
Ingrid Naiman
1 April 2006
Special articles:
for a Cancer Treatment Facility
