Eight hundred years ago, St. Hildegard
of Bingen wrote that cancer is caused by a miniature organism
that she called "vermes" which has been translated "viruses"
by the medical doctors who have investigated her work and made
it available in English. At almost the same time in Tibet,
the monks described a tiny copper-colored object that can only
be seen with spiritual vision, i.e., clairvoyance.

When I began studying cancer, back in the
early 70s, a viral link to cancer was suspected by a few investigators
but denied by most. The only study showing a clear viral
link and transmissibility involved a single type of cancer
found occasionally in dogs. In more recent years, immune
deficiency or failure of the immune system to function as needed
has been suspected as a contributing factor to cancer. Then,
about twenty years ago, cases of infections that became malignant
began to attract the attention of cutting edge immunologists. Around
the same time, Len Horowitz published his research and drew
worldwide attention to the epidemic of lymphatic cancers associated
with the polio vaccine; and, in the last couple of years, more
and more similar links have been found, for instance with human
papilloma virus and cancer of the uterus and H. pylori and
stomach cancer. This is by no means the complete list,
but researchers have long believed that the immune system does
not fight cancer—at least not effectively—so long
as there is infection.
This theory actually harmonizes well with
much more ancient classifications of disease into acute
and chronic. Basically, acute conditions demand the
immediate mobilization of resources to protect life against
infection. Our physical bodies probably retain a sort
of primordial memory of survival after being exposed to all
sorts of epidemics, everything from the Plague to influenza. In
short, the message to the immune system is to allocate its
resources to the life-threatening condition and worry about
cancer next week or next month.
Personally, I am sure that the reason it is
so easy to generate pandemonium among people globally over
fast-spreading microorganisms is that we do all share in some
sort of group memory of terrible infectious diseases—and
these memories are very much at odds with the education we
received in the 20th century that suggested that miracle cures
for these bugs are readily available . . . which we know now
is not quite true.
In addition to pandemics, there are silent
epidemics of staggering proportions: unrecognized infections
stemming from countless inoculations; untreated dental infections;
overuse of antibiotics; chlorinated water; parasitic and mold infections; and suppressed immunity due to toxic metals such
as mercury and aluminum and lead. The problem with some of
these conditions is that unlike classic acute afflictions,
the risks do not necessarily subside leaving a residual immunity
such as with measles; in many cases, the infections are actually
chronic or at least not self-limiting as with many highly contagious
diseases. This poses a very heavy burden on the immune

Because I have had the opportunity to observe
a lot of darkfield microscopy, I have had had the privilege
of watching exactly how the immune system works and what it
Most people do not really understand how their
immune systems work. Think of white blood cells sort
of the way you would firemen. They are always prepared
but they may be sitting around playing cards unless an alarm
is sounded. Then, they mobilize with incredible speed
to address the emergency.
Likewise, you can prick your finger and white
blood cells will be right there to protect the wound from infection. However,
the more emergencies there are, the less efficient the response. From
the perspective of the white blood cells, certain chemicals
and drugs probably constitute an emergency. For instance,
some chemicals are so harsh that the white blood cells try
to escape. I have also seen dangerous parasites and mold
that white blood cells avoid, but when the parasite is immobilized
by red blood cells acting under the direction of white blood
cells, the white blood cells will attack the parasite. In
the case of mold, white
blood cells avoid the mold, but when herbs are administered
that act on the hyphae, the white blood cells will attack the
hyphae once the hyphae are no longer viable. It's fascinating
to watch, but it also gives one an appreciation of why immunity
decreases to such a low level after certain protocols are administered
to patients, for instance why patients undergoing chemotherapy
may develop pneumonia.

Unlike the skeletal system or
muscular system, the immune system is actually composed of
a variety of mechanisms that together act to protect individuals
from biological harm. For instance, when membranes are
thicker or more viscous, they are less penetrable and this
confers a measure of protection for the patient. When
areas exposed to foreign substances are more acidic, they kill
off intruders. You might include the mouth, stomach,
and vagina as places that are protected by acids. The
core of the immune system is, however, the white blood cells. These
come in a number different forms and their functions vary. In
a very healthy person, you do not see clusters of white blood cells
in a blood sample. You see these cells scattered throughout
the sample. They are very active and mobile and perform
many services, including cleaning the surfaces of red blood
cells. They eat debris, bacteria, and viruses and they
spray misty substances on fibrin and sometimes on parasites
to reduce the burden on the host individual.
Some years ago, I met an interesting
doctor in Tijuana named Geronimo Rubio, MD. He developed
a technique for "educating" white blood cells by
removing some from the body and teaching them to attack cancer. At
the time, I said, sort of under my breath, "Simonton in
a needle"
because years earlier Dr. O. Carl Simonton had developed techniques
for visualizing the white blood cells as Pacmen who would round
up and devour enemy cells. The fact is, the white blood
cells seem to understand their tasks perfectly, and I am totally
convinced that we cannot augment their knowledge in any significant
way. This said, we can learn to understand and
appreciate their work and devise ways to render this work more
efficient and effective.
Before I develop this point further,
let me report a couple of observations. First, the white
blood cells perform an extraordinary amount of very important
work. For instance, when a parasite dies, it is attacked
by bacteria. When the bacteria have finished lunching
on the dead parasite, white blood cells eat the bacteria and
then spray a mist on the parts the bacteria could not devour. If
white blood cells did not do this, we would probably host an
explosion of bacterial populations and die of endocarditis
or a bleeding ulcer.
In emergency situations, white
blood cells are very busy and incredibly well organized. If
one has ever watched them in action, one becomes practically
awestruck by their strategies and skills. Moreover, when
you think about it even just a little, you realize that they
have a system of communication that allows them to respond
anywhere in the body in record time.
The picture to the
left was taken in Europe. The patient had a mouth
full of mercury amalgam fillings. She had been
operated on for colon cancer.
There are far too many white blood cells here. What
you see are red blood cells (smaller circles and not
as bright) and many white blood cells. |
White blood cells are, however,
vulnerable. When they are exposed to substances that
are toxic to them, they become fuzzy and die. When the blood
pH is out of balance, they die. They also die when
exposed to chlorine and fluoride in water. Antibiotics
kill them. Many pharmaceutical drugs destroy them, and
some parasites seem to produce secretions that are toxic to
white blood cells. Mold is, as one might expect, totally
lethal as are toxic metals such as mercury and aluminum. In
short, when the immune system is laboring under all the external
stressors of modern sanitation and medical hygiene, it becomes
ineffective and therefore incapable of protecting the individual
from microbial dangers.
This is the same patient's
blood. These photos are difficult for lay persons
to interpret, but the white blood cell in the upper left
quadrant is dying and one to its right has died as has
the one below it. The cause is shown clearly: toxic
agents that I believe are from metals rather than organic
substances. You see many very faint small circles,
smaller than red blood cells, and the white blood cell
died in its valiant attempt to defend the patient. |
Herbal Immune Enhancers
The language of textbooks is
sometimes quite confusing. When one reads that echinacea
is a T-cell potentiator or astragalus raises
immune function, what does this really mean? In 1995,
I was bitten many times on my thigh by a spider. The
venom killed millions and millions of red blood cells and when
I first saw my blood in the scope, I was shocked by the sight
of so much debris. In a few days, I saw lots of immature
red blood cells and was actually surprised to have lived through
such an ordeal. Then, I noticed that all the white blood
cells were slow. I said to a friend, "they look
like overfed polar bears lying on their backs belching and
burping." I decided to take astragalus and was surprised
to discover that the appetites perked up and the white blood
cells could continue with the monumental work of cleaning up
debris. When you give the right herb, the white blood
cells look better almost immediately, surely within half an
hour. I have run such experiments many times over. The
first benefit is that the white blood cells seem better able
to tolerate the toxicity of the morbid substances they are
devouring. They are livelier, more resilient, and more
industrious. Most of the immune herbs contain high proportions
of alkaloids and these span a rather simple range from well
known berberines in herbs such as barberry, coptis, Oregon
grape root, and goldenseal to the complexity of Madagascar periwinkle. Berberine is capable
of crossing the blood-brain barrier and is thus a major part
of many protocols.
The unhealthy metabolic processes
produce acidic wastes: microorganisms, mold, and cancer. This
seems hugely damaging to both red and white blood cells, and
the fact is that we are only tolerant within a fairly narrow range
of pH variation. Once the blood heads outside the safe
range, it pirates minerals to alkalize the blood. I am
sure this is one of the reasons metastasis to the bones occurs
in so many patients. The bones are cannibalized to neutralize
acidity and this leaves them weak and vulnerable. The
same thing happens with some kinds of infection.
I have a very speculative mind
and have not been trained inside the halls of medical academia
so sometimes my observations do not conform to conventional
thought, but I am not careless. Moreover, I have had
many years to contemplate some of the observations I have made
so I feel I have earned my right to speak on certain matters.
Quite normal sample with
a single white blood cell. |
When a substance is described
as germicidal, it is usually tested in a petri dish where
there are no white blood cells. An assumption is made that
the action inside the body will resemble what was observed
in the laboratory. This, however, may or may not be what
actually happens. For instance, I have never seen a substance
attack a cancer cell. I am not saying it does not or
could not happen. I am just saying I have not been in
a situation in which I could see this happening. What
I have seen happen is morbid matter being devoured by white
blood cells. I have also seen separation of tumors from
supporting tissue so that the malignant part is expelled. We
do not actually know how this happens, but I suspect it happens
at least partly because white blood cells orchestrate it.
The patient whose photos are
shown above went on to have her amalgams removed. She was unable
to find a dentist who could replace them with Cerec restorations,
the ones I believe are most stable and suitable. She
replaced the amalgams with composites, something I believe
is reckless because plastics are potentially estrogenic and
within weeks, she developed a secondary cancer that was estrogen-sensitive.
Disappointed as I was, I cannot say that I was surprised.
There are countless herbs and
herbal formulas that have immune stimulating or immune supporting
properties. Very few have been tested in conjunction
with factors that could inhibit their performance. Astragalus
is one of the exceptions. It is one of the most revered
herbs in China where it has a 5000-year recorded history. It
has been researched in conjunction with chemotherapy and was
found to enhance the outcome. The mother lode of all
alkaloids is Madagascar periwinkle, the plant that contains
Vincristine and Vinblastine, two of the more successful chemotherapeutic
agents. Ethnobotanically, it is used as a tea for diabetics. As
an herbal extract, it is incredibly potent and should only
be administered by experienced persons. In between the
relatively benign and the super stars of the herb kingdom,
there are countless tried and true plants with gifts to share
with the human and animal kingdoms. I have formulated
some of these into safe remedies that people can use to bolster
immunity, but it really needs to be understood that none of
these remedies are likely to confer the desired benefits if
people drink tap water that has been chemically treated, if
they suffer from a burden of toxic metals, if they are taking
antibiotics, or if they have heavy burdens from mold infections
or chemical toxicities.
Indigo Drops is one of
the popular formulas produced for Sacred Medicine Sanctuary. I
formulated it quite a number of years ago as an alternative
to lymph stimulating remedies that are based on echinacea,
largely because the research I had done at that time suggested
that other herbs might produce better results for patients. This
said, it is a general immune booster with secondary support
for the lymphatic system.
Whale's Tears was very
heavily researched before it went into production. It
contains herbs known for their anti-bacterial properties and
because it contains galangal and cinnamon and cloves, it tastes
Goji Tonic is not exactly
an immune tonic, but it contains astragalus and herbs that
protect the blood as well as heart and liver from damage during chemotherapy.
Astragalus is
available as a single extract.
Cat's Claw is also available
as an extract.
My experience is that response
to these remedies is for all intents and purposes immediate,
but whether or not it is sufficient and sustained depends on
many of the factors I have discussed on this page.